sun: n.1.太阳;阳光;〔古语〕日出,日落。2.(有卫星的)恒星。3.像太阳的东西;中心人物;荣耀;权力。4.〔诗〕日;年。5.(旧式用煤气点燃的)簇灯〔=sun-burner〕。短语和例子a place in the sun 顺境;显要的地位。 adore [hail] against the sun 从右向左,反时针方向。 from sun to sun 从日出到日落,一天
Convection is thought to play a major role in transporting energy from the center of the sun to the surface , and in movements of the hot magma beneath the surface of the earth 对流被认为是发挥了重要作用,运输,从能源中心的太阳表面,并在动作的热岩浆下方的地球表面。